# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2019-2021, Saarland University
# Copyright (C) 2019-2021, Maximilian Köhl <koehl@cs.uni-saarland.de>
from __future__ import annotations
import typing as t
import enum
import fractions
import math
from . import types
class Operator:
The base class of all operators.
Symbol associated with the operator.
# name: str
symbol: str
def __init__(self, symbol: str):
self.symbol = symbol
# XXX: This is needed to make operators pickleable. Instead of pickling by value, we pickle
# enums by their name in the enclosing global scope. I am not sure why this is not the
# default behavior as enums are singletons.
# Implementing this method directly on `Operator` makes MyPy complain about improper types,
# hence, we add this method retrospectively.
Operator.__reduce_ex__ = ( # type: ignore
lambda self, protocol: f"{self.__class__.__name__}.{self.name}" # type: ignore
class BinaryOperator(Operator):
Base class for all binary operators.
class NativeBooleanFunction(t.Protocol):
def __call__(self, left: bool, right: bool) -> bool:
class BooleanOperator(BinaryOperator, enum.Enum):
An enum of boolean operators.
AND = "∧", lambda left, right: left and right
""" Logical conjunction. """
OR = "∨", lambda left, right: left or right
""" Logical disjunction. """
# requires JANI extension `derived-operators`
IMPLY = "⇒", lambda left, right: not left or right
""" Logical implication. """
# requires JANI extension `x-momba-operators`
XOR = "⊕", lambda left, right: (left or right) and not (left and right)
""" Logical exclusive disjunction. """
# requires JANI extension `x-momba-operators`
EQUIV = "⇔", lambda left, right: left is right
""" Logical equivalence. """
native_function: NativeBooleanFunction
def __init__(self, symbol: str, native_function: NativeBooleanFunction) -> None:
self.native_function = native_function
Number = t.Union[int, float, fractions.Fraction]
class NativeBinaryArithmeticFunction(t.Protocol):
def __call__(self, left: Number, right: Number) -> Number:
class ArithmeticBinaryOperator(BinaryOperator, enum.Enum):
An enum of arithmetic binary operators.
ADD = "+", lambda left, right: left + right
""" Addition. """
SUB = "-", lambda left, right: left - right
""" Substraction. """
MUL = "*", lambda left, right: left * right
""" Multiplication. """
MOD = "%", lambda left, right: left % right
""" Euclidean remainder. """
lambda left, right: fractions.Fraction(left) / fractions.Fraction(right),
""" Real devision. """
LOG = "log", lambda left, right: math.log(left, right)
""" Logarithm. """
POW = "pow", lambda left, right: pow(left, right)
""" Power. """
# requires JANI extension `derived-operators`
MIN = "min", lambda left, right: min(left, right)
""" Minimum. """
# requires JANI extension `derived-operators`
MAX = "max", lambda left, right: max(left, right)
""" Maximum. """
# requires JANI extension `x-momba-operators`
FLOOR_DIV = "//", lambda left, right: left // right
""" Euclidean division. """
native_function: NativeBinaryArithmeticFunction
def __init__(
self, symbol: str, native_function: NativeBinaryArithmeticFunction
) -> None:
self.native_function = native_function
class NativeEqualityFunction(t.Protocol):
def __call__(self, left: t.Any, right: t.Any) -> bool:
class EqualityOperator(BinaryOperator, enum.Enum):
An enum of equality operators.
EQ = "=", lambda left, right: left == right
""" Is equal. """
NEQ = "≠", lambda left, right: left != right
""" Is not equal. """
native_function: NativeEqualityFunction
def __init__(self, symbol: str, native_function: NativeEqualityFunction) -> None:
self.native_function = native_function
class NativeComparisonFunction(t.Protocol):
def __call__(self, left: t.Any, right: t.Any) -> bool:
class ComparisonOperator(BinaryOperator, enum.Enum):
An enum of comparison operators.
LT = "<", True, lambda left, right: left < right
""" Is less than. """
LE = "≤", False, lambda left, right: left <= right
""" Is less than or equal to. """
# requires JANI extension `derived-operators`
GE = "≥", False, lambda left, right: left >= right
""" Is greater than or equal to. """
# requires JANI extension `derived-operators`
GT = ">", True, lambda left, right: left > right
""" Is greater than. """
is_strict: bool
native_function: NativeComparisonFunction
def __init__(
self, symbol: str, is_strict: bool, native_function: NativeComparisonFunction
) -> None:
self.is_strict = is_strict
self.native_function = native_function
def swap(self) -> ComparisonOperator:
def is_less(self) -> bool:
return self in {ComparisonOperator.LT, ComparisonOperator.LE}
def is_greater(self) -> bool:
return self in {ComparisonOperator.GE, ComparisonOperator.GT}
ComparisonOperator.LT: ComparisonOperator.GT,
ComparisonOperator.LE: ComparisonOperator.GE,
ComparisonOperator.GE: ComparisonOperator.LE,
ComparisonOperator.GT: ComparisonOperator.LT,
class UnaryOperator(Operator):
Base class for all unary operators.
class NotOperator(UnaryOperator, enum.Enum):
NOT = "¬"
""" Logical negation. """
class NativeUnaryArithmeticFunction(t.Protocol):
def __call__(self, operand: Number) -> int:
class ArithmeticUnaryOperator(UnaryOperator, enum.Enum):
CEIL = "ceil", lambda _: types.INT, lambda operand: math.ceil(operand)
""" Round up. """
FLOOR = "floor", lambda _: types.INT, lambda operand: math.floor(operand)
""" Round down. """
# requires JANI extension `derived-operators`
ABS = "abs", lambda typ: typ, lambda operand: abs(operand)
""" Absolute value. """
SGN = (
lambda _: types.INT,
lambda operand: -1 if operand < 0 else (1 if operand > 0 else 0),
""" Sign. """
TRC = "trc", lambda _: types.INT, lambda operand: math.trunc(operand)
""" Truncate. """
infer_result_type: types.InferTypeUnary
native_function: NativeUnaryArithmeticFunction
def __init__(
symbol: str,
infer_result_type: types.InferTypeUnary,
native_function: NativeUnaryArithmeticFunction,
) -> None:
self.infer_result_type = infer_result_type
self.native_function = native_function
class MinMax(Operator, enum.Enum):
Minimum and maximum functions.
MIN = "min"
""" Minimum. """
MAX = "max"
""" Maximum. """
class Quantifier(Operator, enum.Enum):
Logical quantifier.
FORALL = "∀"
""" Universal quantifier. """
EXISTS = "∃"
""" Existential quantifier. """
class BinaryPathOperator(Operator, enum.Enum):
LTL binary path operators.
""" Until. """
""" Weak until. """
# requires JANI extension `derived-operators`
""" Release. """
class UnaryPathOperator(Operator, enum.Enum):
"""LTL unary path operators."""
# requires JANI extension `derived-operators`
""" Eventually. """
""" Globally. """
class AggregationFunction(Operator, enum.Enum):
Aggregation functions.
MIN = "min", {types.REAL}, lambda _: types.REAL
""" Minimum. """
MAX = "max", {types.REAL}, lambda _: types.REAL
""" Maximum. """
SUM = "sum", {types.REAL}, lambda _: types.REAL
""" Sum. """
AVG = "avg", {types.REAL}, lambda _: types.REAL
""" Average. """
COUNT = "count", {types.BOOL}, lambda _: types.INT
""" Count. """
EXISTS = "∃", {types.BOOL}, lambda _: types.BOOL
""" Exists. """
FORALL = "∀", {types.BOOL}, lambda _: types.BOOL
""" For all. """
ARGMIN = "argmin", {types.REAL}, lambda _: types.set_of(types.STATE)
""" Minimizing argument. """
ARGMAX = "argmax", {types.REAL}, lambda _: types.set_of(types.STATE)
""" Maximizing argument. """
VALUES = "values", {types.REAL, types.BOOL}, lambda typ: types.set_of(typ)
""" Values. """
allowed_values_type: t.Set[types.Type]
infer_result_type: types.InferTypeUnary
def __init__(
symbol: str,
allowed_values_type: t.Set[types.Type],
infer_result_type: types.InferTypeUnary,
) -> None:
self.allowed_values_type = allowed_values_type
self.infer_result_type = infer_result_type
class TrigonometricFunction(UnaryOperator, enum.Enum):
Trigonometric functions.
SIN = "sin"
""" Sine. """
COS = "cos"
""" Cosine. """
TAN = "tan"
""" Tangent. """
COT = "cot"
""" Cotangent.. """
SEC = "sec"
""" Secant. """
CSC = "csc"
""" Cosecant. """
ARC_SIN = "asin"
""" Inverse sine """
ARC_COS = "acos"
""" Inverse cosine. """
ARC_TAN = "atan"
""" Inverse tangent. """
ARC_COT = "acot"
""" Inverse cotangent. """
ARC_SEC = "asec"
""" Inverse secant. """
ARC_CSC = "acsc"
""" Inverse coscant. """