MOML Grammar

MOML Grammar#

This is the full abstract grammar of MOML:

<model> ::=
    | [<model-type>] <specification>*

<model-type> ::=
    | ‘model_type’ MODEL-TYPE

<specification> ::=
    | <metadata-definition>
    | <variable-declaration>
    | <constant-declaration>
    | <action-declaration>
    | <automaton-definition>
    | <network-definition>
    | <property-definition>

<metadata-definition> ::=
    | ‘metadata’ ‘:’ INDENT <metadata-field>* DEDENT

<variable-declaration> ::=
    | [‘transient’] ‘variable’ IDENTIFIER ‘:’ <type> [‘:=’ <expression>] [<comment>]

<constant-declaration> ::=
    | ‘constant’ IDENTIFIER ‘:’ <type> [‘:=’ <expression>] [<comment>]

<action-declaration> ::=
    | ‘action’ IDENTIFIER [‘(’ [<action-parameter> [(‘,’ <action-parameter>)+]] ‘)’] [<comment>]

<automaton-definition> ::=
    | ‘automaton’ IDENTIFIER ‘:’ INDENT <automaton-specification>* DEDENT

<network-definition> ::=
    | ‘network’ [IDENTIFIER] ‘:’ INDENT <network-specification>* DEDENT

<property-definition> ::=
    | ‘property’ IDENTIFIER ‘:=’ <property> [<comment>]

<metadata-field> ::=
    | <string> ‘:’ <string>

<action-parameter> ::=
    | <type> [<comment>]

<automaton-specification> ::=
    | <variable-declaration>
    | <location-definition>
    | <edge-definition>

<network-specification> ::=
    | <instance-definition>
    | <restrict-initial>
    | <composition>

<location-definition> ::=
    | [‘initial’] ‘location’ IDENTIFIER [‘:’ INDENT <location-specification>* DEDENT]

<location-specification> ::=
    | ‘invariant’ <expression>
    | <assignment>

<edge-definition> ::=
    | ‘edge’ ‘from’ IDENTIFIER ‘:’ INDENT <edge-specification>* DEDENT

<edge-specification> ::=
    | ‘action’ IDENTIFIER
    | ‘guard’ <expression> [<comment>]
    | ‘rate’ <expression> [<comment>]
    | ‘to’ IDENTIFIER [‘:’ INDENT <destination-specification>* DEDENT]

<destination-specification> ::=
    | ‘probability’ <expression> [<comment>]
    | <assignment>

<assignment> ::=
    | ‘assign’ [/\d+/] IDENTIFIER ‘:=’ <expression>

<instance-definition> ::=
    | ‘instance’ IDENTIFIER IDENTIFIER [‘:’ INDENT <instance-specification>* DEDENT]

<instance-specification> ::=
    | ‘input’ ‘enable’ IDENTIFIER [‘,’ IDENTIFIER]

<restrict-initial> ::=
    | ‘restrict’ ‘initial’ <expression>

<composition> ::=
    | ‘composition’ IDENTIFIER [‘|’ IDENTIFIER] [‘:’ INDENT <composition-specification>* DEDENT]

<composition-specification> ::=
    | ‘synchronize’ <action-pattern> [(‘|’ <action-pattern>)+] (‘->’ | ‘→’) <action-pattern>

<action-pattern> ::=
    | ‘-’ | ‘τ’

<expression> ::=
    | <constant>
    | IDENTIFIER ‘(’ [<expression> [‘,’ <expression>]] ‘)’
    | <unary-operator> <expression>
    | <expression> <binary-operator> <expression>
    | <expression> ‘?’ <expression> ‘:’ <expression>

<constant> ::=
    | ‘true’ | ‘false’
    | /[0-9]+/ ‘.’ /[0-9]+/ | ‘real[’ <NAMED-REAL> ‘]’
    | /[0-9]+/

<unary-operator> ::=
    | ‘¬’ | ‘not’

<binary-operator> ::=
    | ‘∨’ | ‘or’
    | ‘∧’ | ‘and’
    | ‘⊕’ | ‘xor’
    | ‘⇒’ | ‘==>’
    | ‘⇔’ | ‘<=>’
    | ‘=’ | ‘!=’ | ‘≠’
    | ‘<’ | ‘≤’ | ‘≥’ | ‘>’
    | ‘+’ | ‘-’ | ‘*’ | ‘%’
    | ‘/’ | ‘//’

<property> ::=
    | <expression>
    | … TODO …

<comment> ::=
    | ‘"’ /([^"]|\")/ ‘"’

<string> ::=
    | ‘"’ /([^"]|\")/ ‘"’

<type> ::=
    | <primitive-type>
    | <bounded-type>
    | <array-type>

<primitive-type> ::=
    | ‘bool’
    | <numeric-type>

<numeric-type> ::=
    | ‘int’
    | ‘real’
    | ‘clock’
    | ‘continuous’

<bounded-type> ::=
    | <numeric-type> ‘[’ <expression> ‘,’ <expression> ‘]’

<array-type> ::=
    | <type> ‘[]’

If the model type is omitted the file must not contain anything else than property definitions. This allows to separate property and model definitions.