Source code for momba.model.expressions

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2019-2021, Saarland University
# Copyright (C) 2019-2021, Maximilian Köhl <>

from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses as d
import typing as t

import abc
import decimal
import enum
import fractions
import math
import warnings

from . import errors, operators, types

    from . import context, distributions

[docs]class Expression(abc.ABC): """ Abstract base class for expressions. """ @abc.abstractmethod def infer_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: raise NotImplementedError() def infer_target_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: raise errors.InvalidTypeError( f"expression {self} is not a valid assignment target" ) @property @abc.abstractmethod def children(self) -> t.Sequence[Expression]: """ The direct children of the expression. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def traverse(self) -> t.Iterator[Expression]: """ Returns an iterator over the subexpressions. """ yield self for child in self.children: yield from child.traverse()
@property def subexpressions(self) -> t.AbstractSet[Expression]: """ A set of subexpressions. """ return frozenset(self.traverse()) @property def is_sampling_free(self) -> bool: """ Returns whether the expression is *sampling-free*. """ return all(not isinstance(e, Sample) for e in self.traverse()) @property def used_names(self) -> t.AbstractSet[Name]: """ Returns a set of *name expressions* occuring in the expression. """ return frozenset(child for child in self.traverse() if isinstance(child, Name))
class _Leaf(Expression): @property def children(self) -> t.Sequence[Expression]: return () class Constant(_Leaf, abc.ABC): pass
[docs]@d.dataclass(frozen=True) class BooleanConstant(Constant): """ A boolean constant. Attributes ---------- boolean: The value of the boolean constant. """ boolean: bool def infer_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: return types.BOOL
[docs]class NumericConstant(Constant, abc.ABC): """ Abstract base class for numeric constants. """ @property @abc.abstractmethod def as_float(self) -> float: """ The numeric constant as a floating-point number. Note that this may result in a loss of precision. """ raise NotImplementedError() @property @abc.abstractmethod def as_fraction(self) -> fractions.Fraction: """ The numeric constant as a fraction. Note that this may result in a loss of precision """ raise NotImplementedError()
TRUE: Expression = BooleanConstant(True) FALSE: Expression = BooleanConstant(False)
[docs]@d.dataclass(frozen=True) class IntegerConstant(NumericConstant): """ An integer constant. Attributes ---------- integer: The value of the integer constant. """ integer: int def infer_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: return types.INT @property def as_float(self) -> float: warnings.warn( "converting an integer constant to a float may result in a loss of precision" ) return float(self.integer) @property def as_fraction(self) -> fractions.Fraction: return fractions.Fraction(self.integer)
_NAMED_REAL_MAP: t.Dict[str, NamedReal] = {}
[docs]class NamedReal(enum.Enum): """ An enum of named reals. Attributes ---------- symbol: The mathematical symbol of the real. float_value: A floating-point approximation of the real. """ PI = "π", math.pi """ The number π. """ E = "e", math.e """ The number e. """ symbol: str float_value: float def __init__(self, symbol: str, float_value: float) -> None: self.symbol = symbol self.float_value = float_value _NAMED_REAL_MAP[symbol] = self
Real = t.Union[NamedReal, fractions.Fraction]
[docs]@d.dataclass(frozen=True) class RealConstant(NumericConstant): """ A real constant. Attributes ---------- real: The real (either :class:`NamedReal` or a fraction). """ real: Real def infer_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: return types.REAL @property def as_float(self) -> float: warnings.warn( "converting a real constant to a float may result in a loss of precision" ) if isinstance(self.real, NamedReal): return self.real.float_value return float(self.real) @property def as_fraction(self) -> fractions.Fraction: if isinstance(self.real, fractions.Fraction): return self.real else: warnings.warn( "converting a named real constant do a fraction does result in a loss of precision" ) return fractions.Fraction(self.real.float_value)
[docs]@d.dataclass(frozen=True) class Name(_Leaf): """ A name expression. Attributes ---------- identifier: The identifier. """ identifier: str def infer_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: return scope.lookup(self.identifier).typ def infer_target_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: return self.infer_type(scope)
# XXX: this class should be abstract, however, then it would not type-check #
[docs]@d.dataclass(frozen=True) class BinaryExpression(Expression): """ Abstract base class for binary expressions. Attributes ---------- operator: The binary operator (:class:`~momba.model.operators.BinaryOperator`). left: The left operand. right: The right operand. """ operator: operators.BinaryOperator left: Expression right: Expression @property def children(self) -> t.Sequence[Expression]: return self.left, self.right # XXX: this method shall be implemented by all subclasses def infer_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class Boolean(BinaryExpression): """ A boolean binary expression. Attributes ---------- operator: The boolean operator (:class:`~momba.model.operators.BooleanOperator`). """ operator: operators.BooleanOperator def infer_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: left_type = scope.get_type(self.left) if left_type != types.BOOL: raise errors.InvalidTypeError(f"expected types.BOOL but got {left_type}") right_type = scope.get_type(self.right) if right_type != types.BOOL: raise errors.InvalidTypeError(f"expected types.BOOL but got {right_type}") return types.BOOL
_REAL_RESULT_OPERATORS = { operators.ArithmeticBinaryOperator.REAL_DIV, operators.ArithmeticBinaryOperator.LOG, operators.ArithmeticBinaryOperator.POW, }
[docs]class ArithmeticBinary(BinaryExpression): """ An arithmetic binary expression. Attributes ---------- operator: The arithmetic operator (:class:`~momba.model.operators.ArithmeticBinaryOperator`). """ operator: operators.ArithmeticBinaryOperator def infer_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: left_type = scope.get_type(self.left) right_type = scope.get_type(self.right) if not left_type.is_numeric or not right_type.is_numeric: raise errors.InvalidTypeError( "operands of arithmetic expressions must have a numeric type" ) is_int = ( types.INT.is_assignable_from(left_type) and types.INT.is_assignable_from(right_type) and self.operator not in _REAL_RESULT_OPERATORS ) if is_int: return types.INT else: return types.REAL
[docs]class Equality(BinaryExpression): """ An equality binary expression. Attributes ---------- operator: The equality operator (:class:`~momba.model.operators.EqualityOperator`). """ operator: operators.EqualityOperator def get_common_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: left_type = scope.get_type(self.left) right_type = scope.get_type(self.right) if left_type.is_assignable_from(right_type): return left_type elif right_type.is_assignable_from(left_type): return right_type raise AssertionError( "type-inference should ensure that some of the above is true" ) def infer_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: left_type = scope.get_type(self.left) right_type = scope.get_type(self.right) left_assignable_right = left_type.is_assignable_from(right_type) right_assignable_left = right_type.is_assignable_from(left_type) if left_assignable_right or right_assignable_left: return types.BOOL # XXX: JANI specifies that “left and right must be assignable to some common type” # not sure whether this implementation reflects this specification raise errors.InvalidTypeError( "invalid combination of type for equality comparison" )
[docs]class Comparison(BinaryExpression): """ A comparison expression. Attributes ---------- operator: The comparison operator (:class:`~momba.model.operators.ComparisonOperator`). """ operator: operators.ComparisonOperator def infer_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: left_type = scope.get_type(self.left) if not left_type.is_numeric: raise errors.InvalidTypeError(f"expected numeric type but got {left_type}") right_type = scope.get_type(self.right) if not right_type.is_numeric: raise errors.InvalidTypeError(f"expected numeric type but got {right_type}") return types.BOOL
[docs]@d.dataclass(frozen=True) class Conditional(Expression): """ A ternary conditional expression. Attributes ---------- condition: The condition. consequence: The consequence to be evaluated if the condition is true. alternative: The alternative to be evaluated if the condition is false. """ condition: Expression consequence: Expression alternative: Expression @property def children(self) -> t.Sequence[Expression]: return self.condition, self.consequence, self.alternative def infer_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: condition_type = scope.get_type(self.condition) if condition_type != types.BOOL: raise errors.InvalidTypeError( f"expected `types.BOOL` but got `{condition_type}`" ) consequence_type = scope.get_type(self.consequence) alternative_type = scope.get_type(self.alternative) if consequence_type.is_assignable_from(alternative_type): return consequence_type elif alternative_type.is_assignable_from(consequence_type): return alternative_type else: raise errors.InvalidTypeError( "invalid combination of consequence and alternative types" )
# XXX: this class should be abstract, however, then it would not type-check #
[docs]@d.dataclass(frozen=True) class UnaryExpression(Expression, abc.ABC): """ Base class of all unary expressions. Attributes ---------- operator: The unary operator (:class:`~momba.model.operators.UnaryOperator`). operand: The operand. """ operator: operators.UnaryOperator operand: Expression @property def children(self) -> t.Sequence[Expression]: return (self.operand,) # XXX: this method shall be implemented by all subclasses def infer_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class ArithmeticUnary(UnaryExpression): """ An arithmetic unary expression. Attributes ---------- operator: The arithmetic operator (:class:`~momba.model.operators.ArithmeticUnaryOperator`). """ operator: operators.ArithmeticUnaryOperator def infer_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: operand_type = scope.get_type(self.operand) if not operand_type.is_numeric: raise errors.InvalidTypeError( f"expected a numeric type but got {operand_type}" ) return self.operator.infer_result_type(operand_type)
[docs]class Not(UnaryExpression): """ Logical negation. Attributes ---------- operator: The logical negation operator (:class:`~momba.model.operators.NotOperator`). """ operator: operators.NotOperator def infer_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: operand_type = scope.get_type(self.operand) if operand_type != types.BOOL: raise errors.InvalidTypeError( f"expected `types.BOOL` but got {operand_type}" ) return types.BOOL
[docs]@d.dataclass(frozen=True) class Sample(Expression): """ A sample expression. Attributes ---------- distribution: The type of the distribution to sample from (:class:`~momba.model.distributions.DistributionType`). arguments: The arguments to the distribution. """ distribution: distributions.DistributionType arguments: t.Sequence[Expression] def __post_init__(self) -> None: if len(self.arguments) != self.distribution.arity: raise errors.InvalidTypeError( f"distribution {self.distribution} requires {self.distribution.arity} " f"arguments but {len(self.arguments)} were given" ) @property def children(self) -> t.Sequence[Expression]: return self.arguments def infer_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: # we already know that the arity of the parameters and arguments match for argument, parameter_type in zip( self.arguments, self.distribution.parameter_types ): argument_type = scope.get_type(argument) if not parameter_type.is_assignable_from(argument_type): raise errors.InvalidTypeError( f"parameter type `{parameter_type}` is not assignable " f"from argument type `{argument_type}`" ) return self.distribution.result_type
# requires JANI extension `nondet-selection`
[docs]@d.dataclass(frozen=True) class Selection(Expression): """ A non-deterministic selection expression. Attributes ---------- variable: The identifier to select over. condition: The condition that should be satisfied. """ variable: str condition: Expression def infer_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: condition_scope = scope.create_child_scope() condition_scope.declare_variable(self.variable, typ=types.REAL) condition_type = condition_scope.get_type(self.condition) if condition_type != types.BOOL: raise errors.InvalidTypeError("condition must have type `types.BOOL`") return types.REAL @property def children(self) -> t.Sequence[Expression]: return (self.condition,)
[docs]@d.dataclass(frozen=True) class Derivative(Expression): """ Derivative of a continuous variable. Attributes ========== identifier: The continuous variable. """ identifier: str def infer_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: return types.REAL @property def children(self) -> t.Sequence[Expression]: return ()
[docs]@d.dataclass(frozen=True) class ArrayAccess(Expression): """ An array access expression. Attributes ---------- array: The array to access. index: The index where to access the array. """ array: Expression index: Expression @property def children(self) -> t.Sequence[Expression]: return self.array, self.index def infer_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: array_type = scope.get_type(self.array) # TODO: check the type of the index if isinstance(array_type, types.ArrayType): return array_type.element else: raise errors.InvalidTypeError("array of array access must have array type") def infer_target_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: return self.infer_type(scope)
[docs]@d.dataclass(frozen=True) class ArrayValue(Expression): """ An array value expression. Attributes ---------- elements: The elements of the array to construct. """ elements: t.Tuple[Expression, ...] def __post_init__(self) -> None: if not self.elements: raise errors.ModelingError("array value expression needs to have elements") @property def children(self) -> t.Sequence[Expression]: return self.elements def infer_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: common_type: t.Optional[types.Type] = None for element in self.elements: element_type = scope.get_type(element) if common_type is None: common_type = element_type elif element_type.is_assignable_from(common_type): common_type = element_type elif not common_type.is_assignable_from(element_type): raise errors.InvalidTypeError( "element types are not assignable to a common type" ) assert common_type is not None return types.array_of(common_type)
[docs]@d.dataclass(frozen=True) class ArrayConstructor(Expression): """ An array constructor expression. Attributes ---------- variable: The identifier to range over. length: The length of the array. expression: The expression to compute the elements of the array. """ variable: str length: Expression expression: Expression @property def children(self) -> t.Sequence[Expression]: return self.length, self.expression def _create_scope(self, scope: context.Scope) -> context.Scope: child_scope = scope.create_child_scope() child_scope.declare_constant(self.variable, types.INT) return child_scope def infer_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: if not types.INT.is_assignable_from(scope.get_type(self.length)): raise errors.InvalidTypeError( "length of array constructor has to be an integer" ) return types.array_of(self._create_scope(scope).get_type(self.expression))
[docs]class Trigonometric(UnaryExpression): """ A trigonometric expression. Attributes ---------- operator: The trigonometric function to apply (:class:`~momba.model.operators.TrigonometricFunction`). """ operator: operators.TrigonometricFunction def infer_type(self, scope: context.Scope) -> types.Type: operand_type = scope.get_type(self.operand) if not operand_type.is_numeric: raise errors.InvalidTypeError( "expected numeric type for operand of trigonometric function" ) return types.REAL
RealValue = t.Union[t.Literal["π", "e"], float, fractions.Fraction, decimal.Decimal] NumericValue = t.Union[int, RealValue] Value = t.Union[bool, NumericValue] ValueOrExpression = t.Union[Expression, Value]
[docs]class ConversionError(ValueError): """ Unable to convert the provided value. """
[docs]def ensure_expr(value_or_expression: ValueOrExpression) -> Expression: """ Takes a Python value or expression and returns an expression. Implicitly converts floats, integers, and booleans to constant expressions. Raises :class:`~momba.model.expressions.ConversionError` if the conversion fails. """ if isinstance(value_or_expression, Expression): return value_or_expression elif isinstance(value_or_expression, bool): return BooleanConstant(value_or_expression) elif isinstance(value_or_expression, int): return IntegerConstant(value_or_expression) elif isinstance(value_or_expression, (float, fractions.Fraction, decimal.Decimal)): return RealConstant(fractions.Fraction(value_or_expression)) elif isinstance(value_or_expression, str): try: return RealConstant(_NAMED_REAL_MAP[value_or_expression]) except KeyError: pass raise ConversionError( f"unable to convert Python value {value_or_expression!r} to expression" )
[docs]def ite( condition: ValueOrExpression, consequence: ValueOrExpression, alternative: ValueOrExpression, ) -> Expression: """ Constructs a conditional expression implicitly converting the arguments. """ return Conditional( ensure_expr(condition), ensure_expr(consequence), ensure_expr(alternative) )
BinaryConstructor = t.Callable[[ValueOrExpression, ValueOrExpression], Expression] def _boolean_binary_expression( operator: operators.BooleanOperator, expressions: t.Sequence[ValueOrExpression] ) -> Expression: if len(expressions) == 1: return ensure_expr(expressions[0]) result = Boolean( operator, ensure_expr(expressions[0]), ensure_expr(expressions[1]), ) for operand in expressions[2:]: result = Boolean(operator, result, ensure_expr(operand)) return result
[docs]def logic_not(operand: ValueOrExpression) -> Expression: """ Constructs a logical negation expression. """ return Not(operators.NotOperator.NOT, ensure_expr(operand))
[docs]def logic_any(*expressions: ValueOrExpression) -> Expression: """ Constructs a disjunction over the provided expressions. Returns :attr:`~momba.model.expressions.FALSE` if there are no expressions. """ if len(expressions) == 0: return BooleanConstant(False) return logic_or(*expressions)
[docs]def logic_or(*expressions: ValueOrExpression) -> Expression: """ Constructs a disjunction over the provided expressions. """ return _boolean_binary_expression(operators.BooleanOperator.OR, expressions)
[docs]def logic_all(*expressions: ValueOrExpression) -> Expression: """ Constructs a conjunction over the provided expressions. Returns :attr:`~momba.model.expressions.TRUE` if there are no expressions. """ if len(expressions) == 0: return BooleanConstant(True) return logic_and(*expressions)
[docs]def logic_and(*expressions: ValueOrExpression) -> Expression: """ Constructs a conjunction over the provided expressions. """ return _boolean_binary_expression(operators.BooleanOperator.AND, expressions)
[docs]def logic_xor(*expressions: ValueOrExpression) -> Expression: """ Constructs an exclusive disjunction over the provided expressions. """ return _boolean_binary_expression(operators.BooleanOperator.XOR, expressions)
[docs]def logic_implies(left: ValueOrExpression, right: ValueOrExpression) -> Expression: """ Constructs a logical implication. """ return Boolean( operators.BooleanOperator.IMPLY, ensure_expr(left), ensure_expr(right) )
[docs]def logic_equiv(left: ValueOrExpression, right: ValueOrExpression) -> Expression: """ Constructs a logical equivalence. """ return Boolean( operators.BooleanOperator.EQUIV, ensure_expr(left), ensure_expr(right) )
[docs]def equals(left: ValueOrExpression, right: ValueOrExpression) -> Expression: """ Constructs an *equality* expression. """ return Equality( operators.EqualityOperator.EQ, ensure_expr(left), ensure_expr(right) )
[docs]def not_equals(left: ValueOrExpression, right: ValueOrExpression) -> Expression: """ Constructs an *inequality* expression. """ return Equality( operators.EqualityOperator.NEQ, ensure_expr(left), ensure_expr(right) )
[docs]def less(left: ValueOrExpression, right: ValueOrExpression) -> Expression: """ Constructs a *less than* expression. """ return Comparison( operators.ComparisonOperator.LT, ensure_expr(left), ensure_expr(right) )
[docs]def less_or_equal(left: ValueOrExpression, right: ValueOrExpression) -> Expression: """ Constructs a *less than or equal to* expression. """ return Comparison( operators.ComparisonOperator.LE, ensure_expr(left), ensure_expr(right) )
[docs]def greater(left: ValueOrExpression, right: ValueOrExpression) -> Expression: """ Constructs a *greater than* expression. """ return Comparison( operators.ComparisonOperator.GT, ensure_expr(left), ensure_expr(right) )
[docs]def greater_or_equal(left: ValueOrExpression, right: ValueOrExpression) -> Expression: """ Constructs a *greater than or equal to* expression. """ return Comparison( operators.ComparisonOperator.GE, ensure_expr(left), ensure_expr(right) )
[docs]def add(left: ValueOrExpression, right: ValueOrExpression) -> Expression: """ Constructs an arithmetic addition expression. """ return ArithmeticBinary( operators.ArithmeticBinaryOperator.ADD, ensure_expr(left), ensure_expr(right) )
[docs]def sub(left: ValueOrExpression, right: ValueOrExpression) -> BinaryExpression: """ Constructs an arithmetic substraction expression. """ return ArithmeticBinary( operators.ArithmeticBinaryOperator.SUB, ensure_expr(left), ensure_expr(right) )
[docs]def mul(left: ValueOrExpression, right: ValueOrExpression) -> BinaryExpression: """ Constructs an arithmetic multiplication expression. """ return ArithmeticBinary( operators.ArithmeticBinaryOperator.MUL, ensure_expr(left), ensure_expr(right) )
[docs]def mod(left: ValueOrExpression, right: ValueOrExpression) -> BinaryExpression: """ Constructs an euclidean remainder expression. """ return ArithmeticBinary( operators.ArithmeticBinaryOperator.MOD, ensure_expr(left), ensure_expr(right) )
[docs]def real_div(left: ValueOrExpression, right: ValueOrExpression) -> BinaryExpression: """ Constructs a real-division expression. """ return ArithmeticBinary( operators.ArithmeticBinaryOperator.REAL_DIV, ensure_expr(left), ensure_expr(right), )
[docs]def log(left: ValueOrExpression, right: ValueOrExpression) -> BinaryExpression: """ Constructs a logarithm expression. """ return ArithmeticBinary( operators.ArithmeticBinaryOperator.LOG, ensure_expr(left), ensure_expr(right) )
[docs]def power(left: ValueOrExpression, right: ValueOrExpression) -> BinaryExpression: """ Constructs a power expression. """ return ArithmeticBinary( operators.ArithmeticBinaryOperator.POW, ensure_expr(left), ensure_expr(right) )
[docs]def minimum(left: ValueOrExpression, right: ValueOrExpression) -> BinaryExpression: """ Constructs a minimum expression. """ return ArithmeticBinary( operators.ArithmeticBinaryOperator.MIN, ensure_expr(left), ensure_expr(right) )
[docs]def maximum(left: ValueOrExpression, right: ValueOrExpression) -> BinaryExpression: """ Constructs a maximum expression. """ return ArithmeticBinary( operators.ArithmeticBinaryOperator.MAX, ensure_expr(left), ensure_expr(right) )
[docs]def floor_div(left: ValueOrExpression, right: ValueOrExpression) -> BinaryExpression: """ Constructs an euclidean division expression. """ return ArithmeticBinary( operators.ArithmeticBinaryOperator.FLOOR_DIV, ensure_expr(left), ensure_expr(right), )
UnaryConstructor = t.Callable[[ValueOrExpression], Expression]
[docs]def floor(operand: ValueOrExpression) -> Expression: """ Constructs a floor expression. """ return ArithmeticUnary( operators.ArithmeticUnaryOperator.FLOOR, ensure_expr(operand) )
[docs]def ceil(operand: ValueOrExpression) -> Expression: """ Constructs a ceil expression. """ return ArithmeticUnary(operators.ArithmeticUnaryOperator.CEIL, ensure_expr(operand))
[docs]def absolute(operand: ValueOrExpression) -> Expression: """ Constructs an absolute value expression. """ return ArithmeticUnary(operators.ArithmeticUnaryOperator.ABS, ensure_expr(operand))
[docs]def sgn(operand: ValueOrExpression) -> Expression: """ Constructs a sign expression. """ return ArithmeticUnary(operators.ArithmeticUnaryOperator.SGN, ensure_expr(operand))
[docs]def trunc(operand: ValueOrExpression) -> Expression: """ Constructs a truncate expression. """ return ArithmeticUnary(operators.ArithmeticUnaryOperator.TRC, ensure_expr(operand))
[docs]def name(identifier: str) -> Name: """ Constructs a name expression. """ return Name(identifier)