Source code for momba.model.context

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2019-2021, Saarland University
# Copyright (C) 2019-2021, Maximilian Köhl <>

from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses as d
import typing as t

import collections
import enum

from . import actions, errors, functions, expressions, types

from .automata import Automaton
from .networks import Network

[docs]class ModelType(enum.Enum): """ An enum representing different *model types*. Attributes ---------- full_name: str The full human-readable name of the model type. """ LTS = "Labeled Transition System" """ Labeled Transition System """ DTMC = "Discrete-Time Markov Chain" """ Discrete-Time Markov Chain """ CTMC = "Continuous-Time Markov Chain" """ Continuous-Time Markov Chain """ MDP = "Markov Decision Process" """ Markov Decision Process """ CTMDP = "Continuous-Time Markov Decision Process" """ Continuous-Time Markov Decision Process """ MA = "Markov Automaton" """ Markov Automaton """ TA = "Timed Automaton" """ Timed Automaton """ PTA = "Probabilistic Timed Automaton" """ Probabilistic Timed Automaton """ STA = "Stochastic Timed Automaton" """ Stochastic Timed Automaton """ HA = "Hybrid Automaton" """ Hybrid Automaton """ PHA = "Probabilistic Hybrid Automaton" """ Probabilistic Hybrid Automaton """ SHA = "Stochastic Hybrid Automaton" """ Stochastic Hybrid Automaton """ full_name: str def __init__(self, full_name: str): self.full_name = full_name @property def uses_clocks(self) -> bool: """ Returns :obj:`True` if and only if the respective models use real-value clocks. """ return self in _CLOCK_TYPES @property def is_untimed(self) -> bool: """ Returns :obj:`True` if and only if the model type is *not timed*. Untimed model types are :code:`LTS`, :code:`DTMC`, and :code:`MDP`. """ return self in _UNTIMED_TYPES
_CLOCK_TYPES = { ModelType.TA, ModelType.PTA, ModelType.STA, ModelType.HA, ModelType.PHA, ModelType.SHA, } _UNTIMED_TYPES = {ModelType.MDP, ModelType.LTS, ModelType.DTMC} # XXX: this class should be abstract, however, then it would not type-check #
[docs]@d.dataclass(frozen=True) class IdentifierDeclaration: """ Represents a declaration of an identifier. Attributes ---------- identifier: The declared identifier. typ: The type of the identifier. comment: An additional optional comment for the declaration. """ identifier: str typ: types.Type comment: t.Optional[str] = None # XXX: this method shall be implemented by all subclasses
[docs] def validate(self, scope: Scope) -> None: """ Validates that the declaration is valid in the given scope. Raises :class:`~errors.ModelingError` if the declaration is invalid. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]@d.dataclass(frozen=True) class VariableDeclaration(IdentifierDeclaration): """ Represents a *variable declaration*. Attributes ---------- is_transient: Optional boolean flag indicating whether the variable is *transient*. initial_value: Optional :class:`~momba.model.Expression` providing an initial value for the variable. """ is_transient: t.Optional[bool] = None initial_value: t.Optional[expressions.Expression] = None def __post_init__(self) -> None: # if self.is_transient and self.initial_value is None: # raise errors.ModelingError( # "transient variables must have an initial value", self # ) pass
[docs] def validate(self, scope: Scope) -> None: if self.initial_value is not None: value_type = scope.get_type(self.initial_value) if not self.typ.is_assignable_from(value_type): raise errors.ModelingError( f"type of initial value {value_type} is not " f"assignable to variable type {self.typ}", self, )
[docs]@d.dataclass(frozen=True) class ConstantDeclaration(IdentifierDeclaration): """ Represents a *constant declaration*. Attributes ---------- value: Optional :class:`~momba.model.Expression` specifying the value of the constant. """ value: t.Optional[expressions.Expression] = None @property def is_parameter(self) -> bool: """ Returns :obj:`True` if and only if the constant is a *parameter*. Parameters are constants without a :attr:`value`. """ return self.value is None
[docs] def validate(self, scope: Scope) -> None: if self.value is not None: value_type = scope.get_type(self.value) if not self.typ.is_assignable_from(value_type): raise errors.ModelingError( f"type of constant value {value_type} is not " f"assignable to constant type {self.typ}" )
[docs]@d.dataclass(frozen=True) class PropertyDefinition: """ Represents a *property definition*. Attributes ---------- name: The name of the property. expression: An :class:`~momba.model.Expression` defining the property. comment: An optional comment describing the property. """ name: str expression: expressions.Expression comment: t.Optional[str] = None
[docs]class Scope: """ Represents a *scope*. Attributes ---------- ctx: The modeling context associated with the scope. parent: The parent scope if it exists (:obj:`None` if there is no parent). """ ctx: Context parent: t.Optional[Scope] _declarations: t.OrderedDict[str, IdentifierDeclaration] _functions: t.OrderedDict[str, functions.FunctionDefinition] _type_cache: t.Dict[expressions.Expression, types.Type] def __init__(self, ctx: Context, parent: t.Optional[Scope] = None): self.ctx = ctx self.parent = parent self._declarations = collections.OrderedDict() self._functions = collections.OrderedDict() self._type_cache = {} def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Scope parent={self.parent} at 0x{id(self):x}>" @property def declarations(self) -> t.AbstractSet[IdentifierDeclaration]: """ Variable and constant declarations of the scope. """ return frozenset(self._declarations.values()) @property def variable_declarations(self) -> t.Sequence[VariableDeclaration]: """ Variable declarations of the scope. """ return tuple( declaration for declaration in self._declarations.values() if isinstance(declaration, VariableDeclaration) ) @property def constant_declarations(self) -> t.Sequence[ConstantDeclaration]: """ Constant declarations of the scope. """ return tuple( declaration for declaration in self._declarations.values() if isinstance(declaration, ConstantDeclaration) ) @property def clock_declarations(self) -> t.AbstractSet[VariableDeclaration]: """ Variable declarations of clock variables of the scope. """ # FIXME: this does not return declarations with a bounded CLOCK type return frozenset( declaration for declaration in self._declarations.values() if ( isinstance(declaration, VariableDeclaration) and declaration.typ == types.CLOCK ) )
[docs] def create_child_scope(self) -> Scope: """ Creates a child scope. """ return Scope(self.ctx, parent=self)
[docs] def get_type(self, expr: expressions.Expression) -> types.Type: """ Returns the (inferred) type of the given expression in the scope. """ if expr not in self._type_cache: inferred_type = expr.infer_type(self) inferred_type.validate_in(self) self._type_cache[expr] = inferred_type return self._type_cache[expr]
[docs] def get_function(self, name: str) -> functions.FunctionDefinition: """ Retrieves a :class:`FunctionDefinition` by its name. Raises :class:`~errors.NotFoundError` if no such definition exists. """ try: return self._functions[name] except KeyError: if self.parent is None: raise errors.NotFoundError(f"no function with name {name} found") return self.parent.get_function(name)
[docs] def is_local(self, identifier: str) -> bool: """ Checks whether the identifier is locally declared in the scope. """ return identifier in self._declarations
[docs] def is_declared(self, identifier: str) -> bool: """ Checks whether the identifier is declared in the scope. """ if identifier in self._declarations: return True if self.parent is not None: return self.parent.is_declared(identifier) return False
[docs] def get_scope(self, identifier: str) -> Scope: """ Retrieves the scope in which the given identifier is declared. Raises :class:`~errors.NotFoundError` if no such identifier is declared. """ if identifier in self._declarations: return self else: if self.parent is None: raise errors.NotFoundError( f"identifier {identifier!r} is unbound in scope {self!r}" ) return self.parent.get_scope(identifier)
[docs] def lookup(self, identifier: str) -> IdentifierDeclaration: """ Retrieves the declaration for the given identifier. Raises :class:`~errors.NotFoundError` if no such identifier is declared. """ try: return self._declarations[identifier] except KeyError: if self.parent is None: raise errors.NotFoundError( f"identifier {identifier!r} is unbound in scope {self!r}" ) return self.parent.lookup(identifier)
[docs] def add_declaration( self, declaration: IdentifierDeclaration, *, validate: bool = True ) -> None: """ Adds an identifier declaration to the scope. The flag `validate` specifies whether the declaration should be validated within the scope before adding it. In case validation fails, a :class:`~errors.ModelingError` is raised. Raises :class:`~errors.ModelingError` in case the identifier has already been declared. """ if declaration.identifier in self._declarations: raise errors.InvalidDeclarationError( f"identifier {declaration.identifier!r} has already been declared" ) if validate: declaration.validate(self) self._declarations[declaration.identifier] = declaration
[docs] def declare_variable( self, identifier: str, typ: types.Type, *, is_transient: t.Optional[bool] = None, initial_value: t.Optional[expressions.ValueOrExpression] = None, comment: t.Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Declares a variable within the scope. The parameters are passed to :class:`VariableDeclaration` with the exception of `initial_value`. When provided with a value which is not an expressions, this function implicitly converts the provided value into an expression using :func:`ensure_expr`. Raises :class:`~errors.ModelingError` in case the identifier has already been declared. """ value = None if initial_value is not None: value = expressions.ensure_expr(initial_value) self.add_declaration( VariableDeclaration( identifier, typ, is_transient=is_transient, initial_value=value, comment=comment, ) )
[docs] def declare_constant( self, identifier: str, typ: types.Type, *, value: t.Optional[expressions.ValueOrExpression] = None, comment: t.Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Declares a constant within the scope. The parameters are passed to :class:`ConstantDeclaration` with the exception of `value`. When provided with a value which is not an expressions, this function implicitly converts the provided value into an expression using :func:`ensure_expr`. Raises :class:`~errors.ModelingError` in case the identifier has already been declared. """ if value is None: self.add_declaration( ConstantDeclaration(identifier, typ, comment=comment, value=None) ) else: self.add_declaration( ConstantDeclaration( identifier, typ, comment=comment, value=expressions.ensure_expr(value), ) )
[docs] def define_function( self, name: str, parameters: t.Sequence[functions.FunctionParameter], returns: types.Type, body: expressions.Expression, ) -> functions.FunctionDefinition: """ Defines a function within the scope. The parameters are passed to :class:`FunctionDefinition`. Raises :class:`~errors.ModelingError` in case an identically named function already exists. """ if name in self._functions: raise errors.ModelingError(f"a function named {name!r} already exists") definition = functions.FunctionDefinition( name, tuple(parameters), returns, body ) self._functions[name] = definition return definition
[docs]class Context: """ Represents a *modeling context*. Attributes: model_type: The :class:`ModelType` of the modeling context. global_scope: The global :class:`Scope` of the modeling context. """ model_type: ModelType global_scope: Scope _automata: t.Set[Automaton] _networks: t.Set[Network] _action_types: t.Dict[str, actions.ActionType] _named_properties: t.Dict[str, PropertyDefinition] _metadata: t.Dict[str, str] def __init__(self, model_type: ModelType) -> None: self.model_type = model_type self.global_scope = Scope(self) self._automata = set() self._networks = set() self._action_types = {} self._named_properties = {} self._metadata = {} def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Context model_type={self.model_type} at 0x{id(self):x}>" @property def automata(self) -> t.AbstractSet[Automaton]: """ The set of automata defined on the modeling context. """ return self._automata @property def networks(self) -> t.AbstractSet[Network]: """ The set of networks defined on the modeling context. """ return self._networks @property def metadata(self) -> t.Mapping[str, str]: """ Additional metadata associated with the modeling context (e.g., author information). """ return self._metadata @property def action_types(self) -> t.Mapping[str, actions.ActionType]: """ The action types defined on the modeling context. """ return self._action_types @property def properties(self) -> t.Mapping[str, PropertyDefinition]: """ The properties defined on the modeling context. """ return self._named_properties
[docs] def update_metadata(self, metadata: t.Mapping[str, str]) -> None: """ Updates the metadata with the provided mapping. """ self._metadata.update(metadata)
[docs] def get_automaton_by_name(self, name: str) -> Automaton: """ Retrieves an automaton by its name. Raises :class:`~errors.NotFoundError` if no such automaton exists. """ for automaton in self._automata: if == name: return automaton raise errors.NotFoundError(f"there exists no automaton named {name!r}")
[docs] def get_network_by_name(self, name: str) -> Network: """ Retrives a network by its name. Raises :class:`~errors.NotFoundError` if no such network exists. """ for network in self._networks: if == name: return network raise errors.NotFoundError(f"there exists no network named {name!r}")
[docs] def get_property_definition_by_name(self, name: str) -> PropertyDefinition: """ Retrieves a property definition by its name. Raises :class:`~errors.NotFoundError` if no such property definition exists. """ try: return self._named_properties[name] except KeyError: raise errors.NotFoundError( f"there exists no property definition named {name!r}" )
[docs] def get_action_type_by_name(self, name: str) -> actions.ActionType: """ Retrives an action type by its name. Raises :class:`~errors.NotFoundError` if no such action type exists. """ try: return self._action_types[name] except KeyError: raise errors.NotFoundError(f"there exists no action type named {name!r}")
def _add_action_type(self, action_type: actions.ActionType) -> None: """ Adds an action type to the modeling context. Raises :class:`~errors.ModelingError` if an identically named action type already exists. """ if action_type.label in self._action_types: raise errors.ModelingError( f"an action type with name {action_type.label!r} already exists" ) self._action_types[action_type.label] = action_type
[docs] def create_action_type( self, name: str, *, parameters: t.Sequence[actions.ActionParameter] = () ) -> actions.ActionType: """ Creates a new action type with the given name and parameters. Raises :class:`~errors.ModelingError` if an identically named action type already exists. """ if name in self._action_types: raise errors.ModelingError(f"action type with name {name!r} already exists") action_type = actions.ActionType(name, tuple(parameters)) self._add_action_type(action_type) return action_type
[docs] def create_automaton(self, *, name: t.Optional[str] = None) -> Automaton: """ Creates an automaton with the given optional name and returns it. """ automaton = Automaton(self, name=name) self._automata.add(automaton) return automaton
[docs] def create_network(self, *, name: t.Optional[str] = None) -> Network: """ Creates a network with the given optional name and returns it. """ network = Network(self, name=name) self._networks.add(network) return network
[docs] def define_property( self, name: str, expression: expressions.Expression ) -> PropertyDefinition: """ Defines a property on the modeling context. """ definition = PropertyDefinition(name, expression) self._named_properties[name] = definition return definition