# The Model ```{warning} This part of the documentation is still incomplete. ``` This part of the documentation demonstrates how to utilize [Sphinx](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/) with embedded [Jupyter Notebook](https://jupyter.org/) cells to document a model. To this end, we first import the model: ```{jupyter-execute} from racetrack import model, tracks ``` ## Tracks Let's have a look at the *Barto-Big* track: ```{jupyter-execute} tracks.BARTO_BIG ``` When used is a Jupyter notebook, a track is rendered as an SVG. The start cells are colored blue, goal cells green, and blocked cells red. Internally, a track is represented by its width, height, and a sets for each type of cell. The *cells* of a track are enumerated from top-left to bottom-right. ```{jupyter-execute} print(repr(tracks.BARTO_BIG)) ``` Let's also include some auto-generated documentation for the {class}`~racetrack.model.Track` class. ```{eval-rst} .. autoclass:: racetrack.model.Track :members: .. autoclass:: racetrack.model.Coordinate :members: .. autoclass:: racetrack.model.CellType :members: ``` ### Scenarios ```{eval-rst} .. autoclass:: racetrack.model.Scenario :members: ``` ```{eval-rst} .. autoclass:: racetrack.model.Underground :members: :member-order: bysource ``` ```{eval-rst} .. autoclass:: racetrack.model.TankType :members: :member-order: bysource ```